By accessing, using or downloading the GRACE 2.0 ACS Risk Calculator app or accompanying
website you agree to the following Terms and Conditions:
The GRACE 2.0 ACS Risk Calculator app (the "App") and the accompanying website at
(the "Site") are operated by the University Court of the
University of Edinburgh, a charitable body registered in Scotland under registration
number SC005336, incorporated under the Universities (Scotland) Acts and having its
main administrative offices at Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL, and the
University of Massachusetts, a public institution of higher education of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts as represented by its Medical School (Worcester campus)
("We"). The Site and App are for use only by qualified health care professionals
("HCPs"), in conjunction with a comprehensive individual patient assessment, in
patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes ("ACS"). The Site and the App are intended
as a risk assessment tool to provide HCPs with information about a patient’s
potential for a future coronary event, as one component of a comprehensive clinical
patient assessment.
Nothing contained in the Site or the App is intended to replace the physician–patient
relationship, or to be a substitute for medical advice. Any information provided should
be interpreted in the context of a comprehensive professional clinical assessment.
You hereby agree that any medical decision or treatment will be based on a complete
clinical assessment and not this risk score in isolation. You also acknowledge that
your use of this Site and the App are at your own risk.
For full Terms and Conditions, please click here.
If the Terms and Conditions set forth above are not acceptable to you, do not use
this Site or App.